The huge miniature painting of Shree Gukulesh is done with acrylic paint on a premium watercolour sheet of 30 x 26 inch size. The painting is done in glazing style by adding a dozen of thin coats of various colours which gives an ultimate purity and transparency to the paint.

Title: Shree Gokulesh
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 30 x 26 inch
Glazing technique is very popular amongst professionals. In this technique, thin transparent layers of two different colours are applied one over another. Due to this, the eyes see a completely different colour which is a mixture of both layers of paint. This technique increases the depth and vibrancy of the colour. Lot of patience and well-plan is very essential for this style as the Artist need to construct a painting through numerous layers of thin and light paint. This style is centuries old, used by many old masters. I have modified this style by mingling the western glazing technique with theWash technique of Bengal school of art.
Miniature painting was traditionally done on a very small size handmade paper or a leaf. The natural colours are used by mixing it with Gum Arabic. The Artists use sea shells for colour mixing. Khadiya is applied as a primer on which natural water-based colours are painted. Furthermore, gold ornaments are painted using the real gold leaf. This style of miniature painting is intriguing and gives a traditional Indian feel. It is appropriate for small size paintings. This painting is given the modern touch with Acrylic paints. The Indian colours such as Indian Yellow, Green, Saffron, Indian red(geru) are used in the painting which gives it a traditional appearance.
In the painting Shree Golulesh is holding a religious book on one hand one which the inscription describes that 'one should always believe in Lord Krishna' and on the other hand he is holding a lotus. The figure is embellished by gold and pearl ornaments and tikas. The saffron cloths reflects a lot of light and peace. The gentle smile on the face reflects his inner peace and blessing to his followers.
This painting is my first commission in India. The paintings is now placed in the temple at the buyer's home.