+91 7041882044
Still Life

Medium : Acrylic on Canvas, Size : 48 x 48 inch. The swing in the balcony appears to shift its angle as the viewer moves from left to right side of the painting.

Oil Painting "Home" is a huge 3 x 5 size painting. The chair in the painting is done using reverse perspective which make it appear to move as the viewer shifts from left to right.

Size : 4 x 7 feet, Medium : Acrylic paint on Canvas

The watercolor painting is done using two colours Yellow and Blue. The rich and precise details of drapery is the focal point

Acrylic on Newspaper. For more Kettle paintings click the link below
Acrylic on Paper. The painting of a broken pot

Painting inspired from the Glass sculpture of the famours Artist Dale Chihuly. The painting is from series "Unfinished. For more Paintings click the link below.